Calendar to view patient appointments

Calendar overview


Filter the study that you want to see in the Filter menu on top of the page.

The calendar helps you visualizing and managing your patient appointnments.

To viusualize it, please navigate to: Appointments > Appointments Calendar.

Below, you can see a general overview of the calendar, and some of its features:


First, you see that there are 2 different views: Planned or Definitive:

Calendar overview - planned view

Select the Planned view on the top left corner of the calendar.

In this view, you can see the schedules/planned appointments and the respective range. The appointments are colour coded and the Study ID is indicated (this will be further updated to show the patient name instead).



One important feature about the calendar: the calendar is set per study, i.e. anyone who is part of the study, has authorization to see the calendar.

You can filter by type of the appointment, as indicated in the figure (for example, selecting only screening appointments:


Calendar overview - definitive view

By selecting the definitive view, you can see the definitive/actual appointments. The time of the appointment can be seen in the week view. The appointments are also colour coded and the Study ID is indicated (this will be further updated to show the patient name instead). You can equally filter by type of the appointment, as indicated in the figure (for example, selecting only screening appointments:


Calendar export and import to another software

Select the study in the upper menu and then just select “Export to .ics” (blue arrow).


Open the downloaded file and select “Open as new”, for example in the case of importing it to Microsoft Outlook.



It is better to import this calendar as a “New calendar”, instead of importing it directly to your own calendar - in case of mistake you can easily delete it and export it again.