Overview of the IDEAL interface

This section explains the different sections of IDEAL.


Different users have different interfaces. See below for more information about the different interfaces.


As IDEAL Manager and IDEAL User, it gives a quick peak into your studies and the patients who belong to these studies.

As IDEAL Superuser, it gives an overview of the different studies and users you are managing. It is also a quick way to check if there is any new study which needs your approval.


The Study section contains the information which belongs to a study:


As Manager and User, you can visualize the list of studies here (Studies List), create a new study (Create study) and export the log files in this section (Log file export).

As Superuser, in this section you can create a new study and see the list of the studies you are managing.

Appointment Schedules

Here you can set the appointment schedule of a study.

Study Patients

This section contains the information related to the patients:

Patient management

Only the Manager and User have access to this section, which relates with patient management.

Here you can have an overview of the patients who belong to your study (Patients List (Study)), bulk import patients to your study (Import) and manually add a new patient to an ongoing study (Add patient to study).


This section is only available to the Manager and the User. Here it is possible to manage Appointments, create single and series appointments (Create single appointment and Create appointment series, respectively).

The user also has access to the Appointments List and Appointments calendar.


Only the Superuser has access to this section. Here you can see the list of Users and invite new Users.

System settings

Only the Superuser has access to this section. The Superuser can specify multiple settings in this section including among others: similarity threshold for auto-linking, connection with NIDC and Carecenter Data Format.