Troubleshooting IDEAL

Bulk patient import shows an error

The most common error will be that the format of your CSV file does not match the format IDEAL expects to read. See doc:users, specfically Define the data format of a study.

Manually adding a patient from the Hospital database to a study

Here do not forget to go “Patients” and then “Create patient” to search for the patient to be added. Once you found the patient, select the patient and don’t forget to add the Study Patient ID before saving.

Editing a specific patient appointment shows no patient selected

If you are trying to edit an Appointment (Apointments* > Appointments list > Edit appointment), for a specific patient (for example, Cristiano Ronaldo):


and no filter is selected:


then no patient will appear as selected, as shown below:


to fix the problem, just make sure your study is selected in the filtering menu above.


this bug will be fixed in a next release of IDEAL.

Special characters on the Study Acronym

Please avoid the use special characters (for example, *, $, &, etc) when creating a study acronym, as it can affect some features on IDEAL (for example the viewing of the Appointment Schedules) - this is a known issue which we are trying to fix.